8 Responses to “Here’s A Confusing Blog Post”

  1. Shawn M. Smith 23 July 2008 at 4:56 pm #

    Haha. You’re awesome.

    Honestly, my whole post was meant in jest. I was in a funny mood and had a bunch of co-workers that were insisting the ladies in question were twins. To be an ass, I posted that piece in a dry, mocking fashion and was completely avoiding the larger topic, one that I brought up.

    I never ACTUALLY say they WHY they don’t look alike. I just talk about other reasons they are different people.

    Go me!

  2. The Gimcracker 23 July 2008 at 4:58 pm #

    Hehe, yeah I was bored at work and wanted an excuse to find a funny FAIL pic. Thanks for having a sense of humor :)

  3. Radio Exile | Stuff I Think and Shouldn’t Say: Katy Perry Doesn’t Look Like Isn’t The Same Person as Zooey Deschanel (and vice versa)

    [...] They look totally identical, I was mocking myself and my usual tomfoolery. In fact, I hurt Brian at Gimcrack Miscellany with my “case of Alternative Complex. You know, the complex where you hate things that are [...]

  4. Jesse 23 July 2008 at 5:35 pm #

    Now do you believe me?

  5. Shawn M. Smith 24 July 2008 at 10:34 am #

    No, Jesse, I don’t believe you. There is a value in having a sense of humor and playing along with jokes. Seeing the back catalog of stuff I’ve done over four years, you would know:

    1) Everything’s a joke to me.


    2) F*ck anyone who can’t take a joke.

    Brian here, I like this guy. He can take a joke.

  6. Brett 24 July 2008 at 11:43 am #

    I guess he read your rebuttal. He posted this on his site:

    (Update: Because this is starting a bit of a backlash, I just want to put it out there that this was all in jest. They look totally identical, I was mocking myself and my usual tomfoolery. In fact, I hurt Brian at Gimcrack Miscellany with my “case of Alternative Complex. You know, the complex where you hate things that are trendy just because they’re trendy.” He should have just called me a jackass. That would have been more accurate.)

    “Can’t we all just get along?”…NO

  7. Shawn M. Smith 24 July 2008 at 12:08 pm #

    Also, I didn’t hate The Dark Knight, I was just far too dizzy from the crappy old IMAX screen they were projecting it on. We’re seeing it again this weekend.

  8. The Gimcracker 24 July 2008 at 12:17 pm #

    What would the world be like without a little healthy dispute? If everyone in the world just got along, it would be a very boring world.

    Yeah, I took your Twitter post about The Dark Knight and blew it out of proportion. Mah bad.

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