Archive for February, 2015
Stuff On The Internet
belichick gollum
belichick gollum
belichick gollum

Creating websites just got a whole lot easier

When developing purely informational sites, or “brochure” sites as some call them, I used to spend most of my time creating, un-creating, and re-creating style. “Hmm… that color doesn’t look right ...
belichick gollum
belichick gollum
belichick gollum

Top Fiver #1: Favorite Azerothian Zones

I spent so much time recently in Outlands with my level 70 paladin that I started getting pretty nostalgic about life back in good ol’ Azeroth. I created a few new characters, namely my tauren druid, and I’ve been l...
Theory & Philosophy
belichick gollum
belichick gollum
belichick gollum

Orthodox Paradox II: Not Actually Black & White

I've introduced this topic with grumblings mostly on the semantics of how our parish worships, specifically length of service and singing scripture readings instead of speaking them. I'm going to continue doing that same thing ...

Stuff On The Internet
belichick gollum
belichick gollum
belichick gollum

CSS Templates

It’s always nice to avoid starting from scratch, in this case when making a website. There are lots of website templates out there that let you plug your content right in, but what if you actually want to do some of the s...
belichick gollum
belichick gollum
belichick gollum

Wow, WoW’s still going strong

I don’t think I’ve ever played a game as consistently as I’ve played WoW the past 16 months. There are only two games I’ve played that have rivaled WoW in /played time, and they are Heroes of Might &...
Theory & Philosophy
belichick gollum
belichick gollum
belichick gollum

Orthodox Paradox I: Introduction

I am an Orthodox Christian and have been my whole life. Most of my friends and family are as well. It would probably shake things up a bit if I suddenly switched to another denomination, let alone another parish. The trouble is...

belichick gollum
belichick gollum
belichick gollum

Awesome show, despite venue (and opener)

I don’t go to concerts near as much as a certain friend of mine or a certain sister in law of mine. That being said, Snow Patrol is great live. I caught the show at the Aragon in Chicago with openers Silverun Pickups and ...
belichick gollum
belichick gollum
belichick gollum

Make your own playlists

You’ve probably been exposed to streaming radio sites such as Yahoo! Launchcast or Pandora Internet Radio. They’re cool sites and all, but some of them require more information than I want to give and constantly pro...